"Where to Report"UC Merced provides resources and services to help resolve issues. Some are completely confidential or can help on an informal basis. Others are formal resources and may be required to create an official record of the concern. If you have any questions about the resources, please contact Office of Campus Climate Director De Acker by email or by calling 209-228-2598.
"Where to Report"
Confidential Resources
- Behavorial Health Benefits - for staff and faculty
- CARE Office: Campus Advocate - for students, staff and faculty in response to sexual violence, assault and harassment
- Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) - for students
- INSIGHT Employee Assistance Program - for staff and faculty
- Office of the OmbudsĀ - for students, staff and faculty
- Valley Crisis Center (24 hours) - for students, staff and faculty in response to sexual violence, assault and harassment
Conflict Resolution Resources (Informal)
Supervisors, managers, staff, faculty, professors, resident assistants (RAs) and teaching assistants (TAs): The best conflict resolution method is to address the conflict early. Start with the people closest to the situation. Reach out to informal resources when needed and know your formal resources.
- Office of the OmbudsĀ - for students, staff and faculty. Confidential, informal, neutral and independent.
- Office of Campus Climate - for students, staff and faculty. Private, conflict resolution and mediation on an informal basis.
- Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) - for students, staff and faculty when there is a perceived danger to self or others.
Emergency Response
Reporting and Complaints (Formal and Informal)
- Academic Personnel - for academic employees
- Discrimination and Sexual Violence Prevention/Title IX/Title VII - for students, staff and faculty
- Human Resources/Employee and Labor Relations - for staff
- Complaint Resolution Procedures for Professional Staff
- Represented Staff
- Locally Designated Officer/Whistleblower - for students, staff and faculty to report improper governmental activities
- Student Conduct - for students